Miscellaneous Conversion Factors

Definitions and tables

English measures - unless otherwise designated, are those used in the United States, and the units of weight and mass are avoirdupois units.

Gallon - designates the U.S. gallon. To convert into the Imperial gallon, multiply the U.S. gallon by 0.83267. Likewise, the word ton designates a short ton, 2,000 pounds.

Properties of water- it freezes at 32~F., and is at its maximum density at 39.2~ F. In the multipliers using the properties of water, calculations are based on water at 39.2~ F. in a vacuum, weighing 62.427 pounds per cubic foot, or 8.345 pounds per U.S. gallon.

Conversion Factors Chart 1

Conversion Factors Chart 2

Conversion Factors Chart 3

Conversion Factors Chart 4

Conversion Factors Chart 5

Conversion Factors Chart 6